Ringing sites of White wagtail
(n=)Recovery sites of White wagtail
Birds ringedBirds ringed | | 24 |
Ringed as chicks | | 1 (4,2%) |
RecoveriesNo. of recoveries | | 2 |
No. of individuals | | 2 |
Proportion recovered | | 8,3% |
Short abstract from the book:White wagtail is a common migratory visitor to the Faroes and a rare breeding bird with 2-10 breeding pairs. 24 white wagtails have been ringed in the Faroes at five locations, most in Sumba, Suðuroy (20). All, except a chick ringed in July, have been ringed in autumn (14 August - 6 October). One adult, ringed 14 August 1963 on Kunoy, was found onboard a fishing boat 43 nautical miles SE of Seley, Iceland, 371 km NW of the ringing site. A young bird ringed on 15 August 2004 in Søltuvík, Sandoy, was controlled on 28 August 2004 at Zandvoort in the Netherlands, 1,258 km SE of the ringing site (corresponding to an average minimum speed of 96 km/day). A chick ringed on 17 June 2008 on Flatey, Iceland, was recovered on 20 August 2008 on a ship 74 nautical miles WNW of Mykines, 705 km ESE of the ringing site.
Read more about the species in the chapter from
The Faroese Bird Migration Atlas here