Ringing sites of Ringed plover
(n=)Recovery sites of Ringed plover
Birds ringedBirds ringed | | 24 |
Ringed as chicks | | 9 (37,5%) |
RecoveriesNo. of recoveries | | 0 |
No. of individuals | | 0 |
Proportion recovered | | 0,0% |
Short abstract from the book:Ringed plover is a common migratory visitor to the Faroes. Fifteen pairs are estimated to breed in the Faroes. 24 ringed plovers have been ringed in the Faroes, most in Sumba, Suðuroy (9). None has been recovered. Two ringed plovers ringed abroad have been recovered in the Faroes: a 1st calendar year bird ringed 6 September 1971 near Ålesund, Norway was found dead on 12 August 1973 in Svínáir, Eysturoy, 671 km W of the ringing site, and an adult ringed 17 April 1993 N of Napoli, Italy, was found dead 20 May 1993 onboard a fishing boat 20 nautical miles NE of the Faroes, 2,700 km NNW of the ringing site, corresponding to an average minimum speed of 82 km/day.
Read more about the species in the chapter from
The Faroese Bird Migration Atlas here