Ringing sites of Mallard
(n=)Recovery sites of Mallard
Birds ringedBirds ringed | | 77 |
Ringed as chicks | | 9 (11,7%) |
RecoveriesNo. of recoveries | | 8 |
No. of individuals | | 8 |
Proportion recovered | | 10,4% |
Short abstract from the book:Mallard is a common resident in the Faroes, with approximately 350 breeding pairs. It is also a common migratory visitor. 77 mallards have been ringed, the majority in Klaksvík, Borðoy (36) and Tórshavn (35). Of sexed mallards, 45% were female and 55% male. Of aged birds, 12% were ringed as chicks, 50% in their first calendar year, and 38% as older. There are seven recoveries, all except one within a distance of seven kilometres from the ringing site. The only recovery abroad of a Faroese ringed mallard is a bird ringed as a second-year female 10 January 1994 where only the ring was found, on 19 December 2007 on a field near Gøttrup, Denmark, 1,028 km ESE of the ringing site. There are two recoveries in the Faroes of foreign ringed mallards. One, ringed on 28 February 1921 at Loch Ryan, Scotland, was shot on 12 May 1921 in Norðskáli, Eysturoy, 817 km north of the ringing site. The other, ringed on 12 August 1930 at Sílalækur, Iceland, was recovered on 14 June 1931 on Skúvoy, 700 km SE of the ringing site. There appears to be very low exchange of mallards between Iceland and The British Isles (Wernham et al. 2002).
Read more about the species in the chapter from
The Faroese Bird Migration Atlas here