Short abstract from the book:Glaucous gull is a common migrant and winter visitor in the Faroes. There is one breeding record (1981). No glaucous gulls have been ringed in the Faroes, but 60 birds ringed abroad have been found. They were ringed on Bear Island (40 birds) and the rest of Svalbard (12), Iceland (3), Jan Mayen (2), Scotland (2) and at sea east of Bear Island (1). Nearly all have been ringed as chicks. Most have been recovered in the period October-March (56 birds). The oldest recovered bird was ringed 16 years and 5 months earlier. The causes of recovery are 78% shot, 18% caught by net, 2% caught in fishing gear and 2% unknown.
Read more about the species in the chapter from
The Faroese Bird Migration Atlas here