Ringing sites of Gannet
(n=)Recovery sites of Gannet
Birds ringedBirds ringed | | 1.055 |
Ringed as chicks | | 920 (87,2%) |
RecoveriesNo. of recoveries | | 38 |
No. of individuals | | 37 |
Proportion recovered | | 3,5% |
Short abstract from the book:In the Faroes gannets breed in a single colony on Mykineshólmur with approximately 2,500 pairs. 1,055 gannets have been ringed in the Faroes, the first in 1931. Many gannets were ringed under supervision of K. Williamson during the British occupation of the Faroes during the Second World War. After 1963, no gannets were ringed until 1990-2004, but since 2004 ringing of gannets has been abandoned due to the risk of the rings becoming entangled in plastic and trawl nets which are found in high concentrations in the breeding colony. There are 36 recoveries, 24 from abroad including West Africa and the western part of the Mediterranean. All recovered gannets have been ringed as fledglings during July-September, most in September. 18 gannets ringed abroad have been recovered in the Faroes. Recoveries during the breeding season could indicate that gannets originating from Britain foraging or even breeding in the Faroes. During winter young birds seem to stay more southerly than adults, but the data are too sparse for statistical analyses. Only two Faroese ringed birds have been recovered as adults in the breeding season – both in the Faroes.
Read more about the species in the chapter from
The Faroese Bird Migration Atlas here