Ringing sites of Barn swallow
(n=)Recovery sites of Barn swallow
Birds ringedBirds ringed | | 3 |
Ringed as chicks | | 0 (0,0%) |
RecoveriesNo. of recoveries | | 0 |
No. of individuals | | 0 |
Proportion recovered | | 0,0% |
Short abstract from the book:Barn swallow is an uncommon breeding bird in the Faroes (0-5 pairs), and an uncommon migrant and summer visitor. Five barn swallows have been ringed in the Faroes, two on ships, two in Mikladalur, Kalsoy, and one in Sumba, Suðuroy. None of them has been recovered. Two birds ringed abroad have been recovered in the Faroes: An adult male ringed 24 May 1967 on Guernsey, English Channel, was found dead 11 days later (5 June) on a ship, 300 km NE of the Faroes, 1,727 km N of the ringing site (corresponding to an average minimum speed of 157 km/day). Another, ringed 14 July 1994 as a nestling on Orkney, was found freshly dead 25 May 1995 on a ship near Faroe Bank, 150 km SW of the Faroes.
Read more about the species in the chapter from
The Faroese Bird Migration Atlas here